Coming Soon...

a new Podcast diving into the real stories of

"Living With ERP"

Are you "Living with ERP"?

Ever wonder if what you've been going through is normal compared to others?

Do you wonder what else you need to know to help you navigate through life with ERP?

Have you wanted to talk to other people on topics but you don't know how to find them or it seems awkward to reach out?

Did you answer yes to any of these questions?

If yes, you are going to love this show!

My guests and I will explore perspectives from:

  • Different roles like end users, executives, project managers, partners, solution providers, interns, and more,
  • Multiple solutions,
  • Real uncensored stories about what's really happening in the trenches,
  • Best practices, lessons learned, and everything in between.

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Living With ERP
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