The only community dedicated to

Super Users and Super User Leaders!

But why?  Well, our why is all about Business Process Health!  In order to achieve Business Process Health you need harmonization between systems, data, processes, and people.

Harmonization happens in a healthy sustainable Super User Network!

Are you ready to improve your  business process health?

Our Founder and CEO, Ginger Luttrell, delivers our feature learning event, Super User  Jumpstart  Workshop!

Ginger Workshop

HAVE YOU TRIED AND TRIED to build an ERP Super User group that thrives beyond projects but just can't get it to stick, or it limps along without creating the value you envisioned?

DO YOU KNOW that a healthy ERP Super User Network is one of the best ways to build business engagement and ownership that leads to your desired business process health?

If this resonates with you, check out the details of the workshop designed to help you reboot, transform, or create a new thriving Super User Network.

ERP Success Workshop Info - SUNsource

ERP Success Workshop Phases

Oct 7-11

3 hrs / day, virtual and live

This is a great INVESTMENT for your training $$$.

ERP Success Workshop Info - SUNsource

Super User Leader Training

leaderlab enrollment is OPEN!

This is the official community for Super User Leaders!

If you're building or trying to create a sustainable Super User Network, join the community that understands your journey.

Read more about the first and only community for Super User Leaders.

Is our Community right for you?  Make an investment.  Enroll today!

Super Users? Super User Leaders?
What are those?

Great question! We're so glad you asked.

Your company has both Super Users and Super User Leaders - either by DEFAULT or by DESIGN. You may even be one!

In the SUNsource world of SUPER, here are typical descriptions of both roles....

The Super User (R)evolution

Did you get your copy yet?

Ginger Luttrell and the late Michael Doane, author of the SAP Blue Book & the SAP Green Book, came together to write the FIRST book all about Super Users: The Super User (R)evolution.

This is the book Super Users have been waiting for, the one that officially brings them forward onto the map of the enterprise ecosystem. Order your copy today!

Join Our Mailing List!

    Meet Our Community Partners!

    Our Community Partners are companies who have partnered with SUNsource for a year-long term to support, educate, and LOVE Super Users! They are the best of the best and are a great fit for our community. You will hear about them often and you will see them at various events (don't be afraid to say hello!


    THANK YOU to our Partners for their support, time, knowledge, and for being so SUPER!